Frequently Asked Questions
The initial assessment will last one hour, and will include a detailed consultation, medical history, physical examination and discussion, finishing with a patient action plan specific to your needs.
It is in your interest to arrive 10-15 minutes before your appointed time in order to fill out the consultation form.
To provide an accurate diagnosis, you will need to remove some items of clothing, so please bring appropriate clothing, for example shorts if you have a knee problem.
THe initial consultation will take approximately 60 mins. Subsequent treatments last up to 50 mins, depending on the extent of your problem.
The number of treatments required very much depends on the severity and type of condition.
Usually we can get a clear indication after the initial assessment and treatment what the likely time
course for recovery is. In cases where the condition has been long standing with lots of different
treatment is important to establish the prognosis and whether it is possible to resolve completely.
It is important to recognize that some conditions cannot be completely cured and it is a case of
managing as best as possible and optimizing function to the highest possibilities available. Your
ability to commit to and follow diligently the patient action plan provided will play a key role in the
level of success and the time frame for recovery.
At the end of your initial consultation a patient action plan will be developed for you and will be
specific to your needs, this action plan will include the following:
A rough estimate of how many treatments may be required to treat your condition.
A homecare exercise program, your commitment to this will speed up your recovery time.
Elements of stretching, strengthening and stabilizing, which will be demonstrated by your
Some lifestyle changes
Where applicable referrals to other healthcare professionals may be recommended.
Depending on your condition you may be advised on a patient action plan developed specifically
for you, this is a vital element in your treatment. The patient action plan may consist of advice
on rest, avoidance of aggravating factors, postural education and the application of therapeutic
interventions such as ice/heat, if appropriate. Your programme will also include elements of
stretching, strengthening and stabilizing all of which will be demonstrated by your therapist who will
bring you through these elements step by step. Some lifestyle changes may also be suggested. On
occasion the inclusion of other healthcare professionals may be recommended in which case referral
can be arranged.
On initial examination, it is helpful to bring any scans related to your problem, a list of your
current medications, and if you have been referred from your GP / Consultant, your referral letter.
Comfortable clothing is also advised as you may be asked to remove items of clothing to fully assess
your problem.
Payment can be made by cash or cheque. Payments must be made after each consultation. Receipts
are available for claiming against health insurance companies.
We at Dundalk Physical Therapy understand that unexpected situations occur that are out of your
control from time to time. However, to be fair to all our patients and out of consideration for your
therapist, late cancellations and no-shows can be disruptive to the optimal delivery of care and
service. Please notify us AT LEAST 24 hours prior to your appointment if you are unable to attend or
if you wish to move your appointment time, Failure to comply with our cancellation policy will result
in 30 euro fee being charged.
Physical Therapy Treatment costs 55 euro.
We allocate 1 hour for the initial consultation and up to 50 mins for follow up appointments
depending on the amount of work necessary.
Our Services
• Physical Therapy
• Back Pain
• Neck Pain
• Shoulder Pain
• Sports Injures
• Knee Injuries
• Chronic Pain
• Athlete Screening & Injury Prevention
• Rehabilitation from a Whiplash Injury
• Prehabilitation
• Neurodynamic Mobilisation
• Postural Assessment
• Myofascial Release
• Sports Massage
• Joint Mobilisation
• Ergonomic Assessment
• Exercise Rehabilitation